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4DBrix Icon Curved Switches
We just released our new curved switches!
These switches are great to build compact layouts as you can move the switches to the curves and use the full length of the straight sections for platforms, terminals, etc. You can use them to split a line into two curves or to build curved single crossovers. Check out the video below to see them in action.

4DBrix Curved Switches for LEGO® Trains

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4DBrix Logo Compact Double Crossover
We created 'short' variants of our switch tracks that have the ground throw on the inside. These new switch tracks allow you to create a double crossover with all the ground throws on the inside. This double crossover has the smallest footprint possible and is ideal for compact layouts.

4DBrix Double Crossover Inside

There's a post on the 4DBrix website blog that provides additional information on the short switch tracks.

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4DBrix Logo nControl 2019.1 - PoweredUp Hub Support
Version 2019.1 of nControl is out!
This version supports the LEGO® PoweredUp hubs so you can control these trains directly from nControl. This allows advaced types of control such as linking two or more locomotives or building engines with two motors without having to make any modifications to the cabling. The video below illustrates the supported PoweredUp applications. Click the Contact button if you have any questions concerning the PoweredUp support.

4DBrix - Advanced LEGO Powered Up Control


We also upgraded the control panel to pilot your trains and layouts with mobile devices. Click the More button for addtional information on this upgrade.

4DBrix Control Panel

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4DBrix Logo Triple Crossover
We created a new divergent track that allows you to expand double crossovers to triple crossovers using two three way switch tracks.

4DBrix Triple Crossover

We're working an a 'short' version of the three way switch track. In combination with the 'short' switch tracks discussed above, this would allow you to build a triple crossover with all the ground throws on the inside. It would also make it possible to expand the crossover to 4 or more lines.

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4DBrix Logo Control Buttons
We're currently making the first batch of control buttons. If there are no hiccups they will become available in July!
Below you see a chain of a power brick with two control buttons. The power brick has a red/green LED that provides feedback on the power usage so you know when you're reaching the maximal length of your control button chain. It now also has an on/off switch: the green 1x2 plate.

4DBrix Control Buttons

The final version of the buttons has 5 connection pins. The first two pins provide 5V power to the control button and the devices controlled by the button. The 3rd pin provides 9V power; this give us the option to create additonal buttons to control PowerFunctions or PoweredUp motors. The 4th and 5th pin are for data transmission between the buttons. This will eventually allow you to add a WiFi brick and establish communication between the buttons and a computer running nControl. That is of course optional, the control buttons can run standalone!

4DBrix Control Buttons

If you're interested in our control buttons, you can let us know which buttons you need to build your control system. There's no purchase obligation, we'll just let you know when they are available so you can buy them before they are officially released in our webshops.
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