Documentation > nControl > API Reference
Wye Switch Tile
nControl™ 2021.0
This tile controls a train wye switch.

When you click on the tile it perform the flipSwitch() function unless you override it by a custom procedure.
Event Scripts
Wye switch tiles support the following event scripts:
  • Activate tile event: is executed when the tile is activated by switching to simulation of operational mode.
  • Deactivate tile event: is executed when the tile is deactivated by switching to design of configuration mode.
  • Mouse click event: is executed when the user clicks on the tile.
API Functions
Tile Specific Functions
Simulates a mouse click on the tile; this executes the mouse click event script.
Flips the switch; if the switch in the 'left' position it flips it to the 'right' position and vice versa.
Flips the switch to a random position.
Returns the current state of the switch: nConst.ST_LEFT or nConst.ST_RIGHT.
nWyeSwitchTile.publish(topic, data)
Publishes a message through the internal MQTT broker using the specified topic and data.
Sends the ASCII message data to a generic controller, e.g. a Arduino board.
Flips the switch to the 'left' position.
Flips the switch to the 'right' position.
Inherited from nTile
Clear all the text in the console window.
Returns the tile object specified by label. If there is no tile with the specified label, the function returns a None value.
Prints text in the console window. If the console window it not yet visible, printing text will make it visible.
Shows (mode = True) or hides (mode = False) the console window.
Stops the execution of the script for the the given number of seconds. Note that duration can be a floating point number, e.g. to suspend the script for half a seconds use self.sleep(0.5).
Returns the number of seconds that passed since nControl™ was launched. It returns a floating point value with the highest possible time resolution supported by your system. The difference between two time stamps provides the number of seconds elapsed between those two events.
Base property to which you can add local variables that retain their value after the event script finishes. For example self.localVars.myVar = 5 adds a new property myVar to self.localVars and gives it the value 5. The localVars property is local to the current tile meaning that each tile has its own independent localVars property.
Base property to which you can add global variables that retain their value after the event script finishes. For example self.globalVars.myVar = 5 adds a new property myVar to self.globalVars and gives it the value 5. The globalVars property is global to nControl meaning that all tiles use the same globalVars property. As such globalVars can be used to exchange information between the tiles.