Windows Driver
The nControl™ installer for Windows normally installs the driver for the 4DBrix™ controllers automatically. However, depending on your local permission settings, the installer might not be able to installer the driver and you have to install it manually.

Checking Whether the Driver is Installed
  • Before you start, make sure your 4DBrix™ controller is connect to your computer with the USB cable that came with the controller. With the Windows Device Manager you can check whether the driver for the 4DBrix™ controllers is installed or not. You can open the Device Manager by pressing: Window Key + S. This opens the search box.

  • Type the text 'device manager' and press the ENTER key; this opens the Device Manager. Scroll down the list, if you find a USB2.0-Serial entry under the item Other devices then the driver is not working and has to be (re)installed.

  • If you see a USB-SERIAL CH340 entry under the item Ports (COM & LPT) then the driver is working correctly.

Installing the Driver
  • Start by downloading the driver from the 4DBrix™ download page.
  • The driver is stored in a .zip archive. Locate the archive in your local Downloads folder

  • Go into the .zip archive, select all the files and copy them.

  • Go to a temporary folder and paste the files.

  • Run the program SETUP.EXE and click on the install button.

  • This will install the driver for the 4DBrix™ controllers.

  • If you go back to the Device Manager you should now see a USB-SERIAL CH340 entry under the item Ports (COM & LPT).